Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Good Neighbors

Recently I came to the conclusion that our farm had a lot in common with Southwest Airlines. Now before you discount my unusual theory - listen to my story. The saga began back in early May. It was late at night and I was trying to get one last item checked off my "to do" list before sleep overtook me: booking tickets to my neice's wedding.

 Well sadly - probably because I was tired - I booked a ticket for Byron but completely forgot to book my companion pass. Yes - I have a companion pass that lets me fly FREE with my husband everytime he flies. How cool is that?! You just have to remember to book the ticket.

 Fast forward to 6 am June 23. We show up at the airport excited to be going up north to see family and imagine our shock when we find out that I had forgotten to book a companion pass for myself. Translate: there was no ticket for me. Normally that wouldn't pose a problem since it's a free ticket that can be booked anytime. Oops not normal. The flight was sold out! Just as panic was setting in, the ticket agent did the golden rule magic that we've come to love about Southwest, and in the blink of an eye she had changed my husband to the next flight and booked me a seat on it with him. I can tell you that ANY other airline - if they were even willing to attempt such a daring act - would've charged diamond studded cancellation and re booking fees.  She should've admonished me never to forget again - but instead she apologized that we had to go on a flight 30 min later than planned.

On the flight I was reflecting on the hoops she had jumped through to make it effortless for us to fly in spite of my careless neglect to do the obvious - book a ticket.  Suddenly I had an epiphany - Southwest Airlines is in business to help people go places - easily. While other airlines quibble over suitcases and hand out change and cancellation fees like lollipops Southwest just rolls up it's sleeves and says,  "Hey grab your bag and hop on. Since we're already going that way we can just drop you off."

 And that's our goal too. You see we are passionate about growing food veganically. So we figure we better just grow some extra for you too and while we're at it make it easy for you to get it - like in a FarmBox or at your local Whole Foods. And last but not at all least we figure that eating right should be deliciously affordable. After all, isn't that what neighbors are for?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

~alex said...

Love your writing and reading your blog! You inspire me. :)